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Is using IVDR and MDR for efficient product development innovative strategy or unrealistic fantasy?

Here is a recipe on how to push through the MDR process in the shortest possible time. Based on my recent panel presentation at the MedFIT 2024, I have put together some key tips and ideas on what to...

Understanding medical device usability – More insights from QA&RA specialist

In the field of creating medical devices, there's a crucial meeting point between usability and innovation. The ideas and needs of both creators and users come together to impact the direction of...

Radical Health – Trends and highlights

Returning to the Radical Health conference for the second year in row, we already knew a little of what to expect. Innokas was already quite well-known among the participants, which made initiating...

Digital Therapeutics (DTx) – Empowering patients

We all know that our world continues to become more digitalized. But did you also know that this is happening alongside a shift in our healthcare? Patients who used to be more passive in receiving...

Medical device usability insights from clinical affairs specialist

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical device development, usability and innovation intersect significantly. The perspectives of developers and end-users converge to shape the future of medical...

Analytica – First-time discoveries, trends and how Innokas fits in

Report written by Innokas experts and event goers Visa Poikela & Päivi Leppänen

Been away from the wet lab for more than 15 years, attending Analytica was an eye-opener. As someone stepping back...

What are the challenges of choosing a contract manufacturer?

There are two distinct company types with different starting points when they begin searching for suitable European contract manufacturer. The first is a new start-up in search of their first...

Arab Health 2024 – Our take and review

Report written by Innokas experts and event goers Päivi Leppänen & Visa Poikela

Contact information available at the end of the post

Sustainability in Medtech was a hot topic. It's clear that the...

End of the Year Greetings

If you were asked to picture what good teamwork looks like, how would you picture it? How about a dog sled, traveling with efficient pace and agility through harsh snowy terrain.

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