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Agile approach from product developer's perspective

Product developers face a dynamic landscape of shifting priorities, demanding stakeholders, and evolving technologies. In this environment, any of multiple approaches can lead to project success. The...

Case GlucoSet – Agile approach in complex Healthtech development

Pictured: Innokas product developer Antti Tuovinen and marketing specialist Teija Tulinen with the patient monitor. Antti Tuovinen works as an electronics engineer in the Glucoset project


Material availability as a challenge – how product development can be kept cost-effective

Even though material costs have slowly improved following the start of the pandemic, material availability still poses challenges and has introduced disruptions to various product development...

Design through intent – product development project manager on wellness device to medical device redevelopment

The difference between wellness devices and medical devices lies deeply in the intended use outlined in product definition. That factor often determines how much further product development needs to...

On fast lane to success – The role of in-house testing in product development

In the dynamic landscape of product development, especially within industries like medical technology, efficiency is key. Utilization of in-house testing during the development has been proven to...

MEDICUBEX CASE – A reliable partner plays a vital role in supporting development process

Outwardly, the device looks like a conventional office soundproof telephone booth. In reality, it’s an autonomous health self-measurement station, empowering users to independently assess their...

Cryogenics and wire bonding as specialties – Expertise at Helsinki factory

There is an endless potential in utilizing low temperatures to achieve impressive technological feats, such as superconductivity, preserving biological material, and space exploration. Why is it not...

Event invitation - Optimal regulatory and design development from idea to success of a medical device

To succeed in taking a medical device product from idea to the market, both the design and development flow, as well as the regulatory flow, need to be considered. As the inventor or manufacturer of...

The Future of HealthTech – Dream Further

Walking on the streets of almost any city, we can see that there are quite a bunch of building sites, cranes, and upcoming wonderful colors on the walls of new hospitals enabling more modern...

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