Innokas joins the Dutch Health Valley 2022 event

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The 2022 Health Valley event is starting on March 15th and is accessible both live and online. The three-day healthcare innovation conference is taking place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, collecting Dutch as well as international visitors to hear about the latest in Life Science and Health. In line with the Innokas 2022 strategy and our targets to serve customers more widely in the European market, we’re pleased to be taking part in the event. Innokas Medical joins the conference together with the OuluHealth ecosystem and a group of innovative fellow companies in the network.

Innokas offers Healthcare technology services for large international enterprises, as well as growth and startup companies in need of a partner in bringing their solutions to life. Our main focus has been on the Nordic market during the past few years and our consistent work has led to results. Today, we have a wide range of customers in all Nordic countries and are actively working together with the local Medtech and Healthtech networks and ecosystems in Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

In addition to continuing to develop our cooperation and presence in the Nordic market, Innokas is also pursuing further internationalization and is actively growing its networks in selected European markets. By taking part in international events, like the Health Valley 2022, in Europe, we are looking to learn more about the key ecosystems and business potential in these areas. And what better way to take the initiative than to collaborate with our existing well-working networks. From the Innokas team, Jan Pauve and Päivi Leppänen will represent the company at this Dutch event.

“From our Baltic seashore base, we have long served customers outside of Finland. I’m thrilled to expand our international footprint into the Dutch market. Innokas is when you want to, a one-stop shop for Medtech. Whether you need optimal ISO 13485/FDA compliant processes, low-cost European manufacturing, co-created software and/or devices, we’re here for you, improving people’s lives by crafting Healthtech ideas to reality”, explains Jan Pauve from Innokas.

According to Invest in Holland – a collaborative team of experts from the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), the Netherlands is investing approximately 2 billion euros in Life Sciences R&D annually and the Dutch rank number 4 worldwide in patent applications for MedTech. Furthermore, the site lists that the Netherlands is the number 1 European importer and exporter of medical devices.

“I’m excited to be able to introduce Innokas and our unique full-service offering at the Health Valley event. But most of all, I’m looking forward to connecting with people, to learning more about the Dutch market and its special features. The Netherlands has a central location and active Healthtech community, it’s great to be able to hear what the industry is talking about and to understand how we could best be of service to that community”, explains Päivi Leppänen.

You can find the Innokas Medical stand from the OuluHealth booth in the International Experience Lounge at the event, and our representant Jan and Päivi also via the online networking tools. Please, send in your meeting requests or contact us directly! We warmly welcome all our customers and partners to come to visit the event and look forward to meeting the local networks, organizations, and possible future partners there.



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Picture of Eeva Lindroth
Written by Eeva Lindroth
Head of Marketing and Communications
Fairs & Events, Internationalization