Business Finland Innovation Voucher is open for applications

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The Innovation Voucher, offered by Business Finland, is again open for application for Finnish SMEs, which seek to purchase new knowledge and skills for their business. The voucher supports companies developing new innovations in using external help and expert service providers, such as Innokas, to advance their projects.


There have been a few changes to the grant process since last year. The value of the voucher in this funding round is 5000 Euros and there's no longer a self-financing share included. The aid will be paid to the beneficiary and not to the service company. Also, companies can easier choose a service provider that best matches their need, which makes the process also faster according to Business Finland. 


Business Finland describes that the Voucher is targeted to SMEs with a new product or service idea that has the potential to grow internationally, and that cannot be implemented without external expertise. These expert services can be related to, for example, developing a product or service strategy, experiment and agile development services, or for example measuring and testing services, to mention a few.


Innokas has been listed as an available expert service provider on the Business Finland site already during the previous rounds, and we're pleased to offer our support to innovative companies also in 2022. If you got interested, this is the way to go: 


Get familiar with the BF instructions. You can find more information and prerequisites for an application from the Business Finland website. Then, check out our services here, contact us and let's talk about how we can best help realize the potential of your innovation.

Contact us!


The  Innovation Voucher application period opened on January 17th, 2022. More information: Business Finland news release.


Picture of Eeva Lindroth
Written by Eeva Lindroth
Head of Marketing and Communications
Co-Creation, News