EK visited Innokas Medical

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Representatives from the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) and the Oulu Chamber of Commerce, led by managing director Jyri Häkämies, familiarized themselves with Innokas Medical’s operation. The visit took place during the skiing break, so the Kempele plant was quieter than usual. The staff worked hard during the previous weeks to make it possible to get by with less people during the break.

Even the quieter week made an impression on the visitors. EK’s specialist, Pekka Ropponen, said Innokas Medical is known at EK, but seeing its operation on site gave a much more concrete, positive picture. Indeed, EK’s representatives attempt to make as many similar visits as possible to their various member companies.

“Innokas Medical’s growth orientation, internationality, and diversified, broad operation were readily apparent. It was also good to see how, working together with educational institutions and other functionaries at the regional level, it is possible to react quickly to the need for a competent labor force brought about by rapid growth,” Ropponen said.

Managing director Jouni Ihme had interrupted his skiing break because of the important visit. In addition to showing the visitors around the Kempele plant, he also told them Innokas Medical’s story and shed light on future plans. Ihme is the chairman of FiHTA—the Finnish Health Technology Association—which represents the health technology exporting industry. Thus, he presented to EK’s representatives not only Innokas Medical’s, but the entire industry’s views on what kinds of strategic actions are needed in Finland to speed up growth.

EK’s representatives from Helsinki had come to Oulu to attend a joint meeting of Northern Ostrobothnia’s regional board and the Oulu Chamber of Commerce. An important item on the agenda was how to organize regional supervision of the interests of business in the future. Until now EK has had four regional offices, one located in Oulu. Last February the regional offices were shut down as part of EK’s operational renewal.

According to Pekka Ropponen, preliminary ideas concerning regional supervision in northern Finland in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce were recorded. The matter will be brought up again later after it has been mulled over.

Picture of Elina Ihme
Written by Elina Ihme
Head of Marketing and Communications
Healthtech Experts, News