Finding meaning in work – Innokas NPI manager’s insights

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Finding inspiration and meaning from your work are key components of a healthy work life. Feeling like what you do matters is one of the crucial building blocks to fostering a long-term, sustainable career that you can see yourself doing for many years to come. At Innokas, one of our key values is meaningfulness for a reason. Today, one of our NPI Managers shares what inspires her and makes her work worthwhile. 


Tebe Jürgenson is a new product introduction (NPI) Manager at Innokas, working at the Innokas Tallinn factory that specializes in volume production. As an NPI manager, her work revolves around preparing new products to be produced in volumes. She has a long career behind her, but this was her first introduction to working with medical devices. Despite her relatively short time at Innokas, she knows the decision broadened her horizons.  


“Looking for a new position, I had a choice to make. I could go back, or I could go forward,” she explains her origins. “When Innokas presented me with an opportunity, I took the leap of faith into a new kind of challenge.” 


While the new industry meant a steep learning curve with new kinds of processes and documentations to work with, the elaborate onboarding did not leave anything to be desired. “All the information was provided for me before I thought about asking,” she laughs.  


Tebe feels especially happy with her new line of work for the aspects of meaningfulness it gives her. “The products we make are needed. Knowing their purpose makes us proud and happy with what we put out to the world,” she says. Finding meaning in her work has been easy. 


Most importantly, what brings it all together is the efficient flow of communication between her, her team, and the customer. “Here I can be in direct contact with our customers with no need for a middleman. It’s efficient and streamlines the projects significantly and I get to know our innovative collaborators on a more personal level” she explains. Being able to communicate effectively with her team is also important, not only for workflow, but for inspiration and meaning as well. She likes to see her team motivated to work towards the same goal. 


“Being surrounded by inspired people is at the core of fostering further inspiration. We all want to do meaningful things. Alone you can go faster, together we can go further,” she finishes.